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Diving at 3 Airs Cove
– Martinique (0-15m)

Most of the Anses on the peninsula are made up of a sea grass bed in the centre and reefs on the sides. The 3 Airs Cove and Fortune Cove are different. The whole of 3 Airs Cove is made up of rocks that stretch from the surface to a depth of 7 metres. It is on this reef that the wreck of the 3 Airs, which gave it its name, ran aground. The ship is now completely dislocated but this allows us to dive on a wreck. And you realise that as soon as you put a foreign body underwater, a whole life develops!

What is 3 Airs Cove in Martinique?


Anse 3 Airs is located behind Pointe Dufour and forms a coral plateau close to the coast. A small wreck lies there on a 10-metre depth, which makes it an ideal spot to discover wreck diving, even for a first dive. Anse 3 airs is also a very pretty little cove.

What level to dive at 3 Airs Cove?


3 Airs Cove is accessible for diving, whatever your French or PADI level. Ideal for making your first discoveries of wreck diving, including during a baptism, the site is also very suitable for snorkeling.

Anse 3 airs
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What can you see while diving at 3 Airs Cove?


In a baptism, we will be able to dive on the bow and the engines of the small wreck which lies only a few meters deep. The structure of the bridge is laid askew, starting from the sand and going up on the rocks. It is the refuge of many fish like these Sardinians (Lutjanus synagris) which have taken up residence there.

A large shoal of Orphi fishes is also found in this setting. These long fish with a rostrum always move in schools and very close to the surface. They love to surround us when we approach them.

From 7 metres, opposite the rocks, there is a large sandy beach on which part of the wreck also lies.
It is on this part of the site that we like to come to do the beginning of our PADI training.
It is also the occasion for us to observe a real sea urchin field (White sea urchins and Diadema urchins). And if you’re lucky, you might even spot the Magnificent sea urchin: it lives up to its name and you can’t miss it! With its spines of different lengths, particularly fine and colourful, it is clearly distinguishable from other species of sea urchins.

How to go diving at 3 Airs Cove?

To get to the site of 3 Airs Cove, it only takes 12 minutes by boat from our centre Alpha Plongée Martinique in Anses d’Arlet.

The advice of the ALPHA DIVING team

You really have to explore the Cove to try and find all the pieces of the wreck.

Where to find us?

Our Alpha Plongée centre is located on the beach of Grande Anse d’Arlet, about 200m to the right of the pontoon, looking out to sea. We are in the middle of the pedestrian street that runs along the seafront, between the restaurants “Bidjoul” and “Les Arcades”.

If you decide to join us by car, you can park in the large car park which overlooks the road opposite the grocery shop. It is indicated by a large blue sign. To find us, you just have to cross the road and slip between two rows of houses.

Alpha Plongée Martinique

We look forward to hearing from you.
Avenue Robert Deloy – Plage de Grande Anse

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